Check Out Some Extraordinary Android Libraries that Developers Must Know in 2022

Check Out Some Extraordinary Android Libraries that Developers Must Know in 2022

After reaching the end of September 2021, we can look back on the year that has passed and notice a lot of wonderful tools and technology that have helped to make our technology practices a little more manageable. Since the beginning of the past decade, Android App development has exploded in the market as a fantastic platform for smartphones all over the world. It has now grown into a multimillion-dollar enterprise.

When it comes to Android App Development, libraries are by far the most fundamental need for any Android App Developer; and if you are going through this post, you should be prepared to wait. Every enthusiast who wishes to keep up with the latest developments in the field of commercial app development should have a look at some of the fantastic libraries that have been launched and are rapidly spreading across the growing market as of the beginning of 2022.

When developing an Android app developers for hire, one of the most important benefits of utilizing these libraries is that they allow you to create an outstanding application with little effort and without spending any time or money on unneeded or extraneous tasks. In contrast to completing these activities from scratch, these android new libraries for developers offer them basic pre-written codes and other essential components that can be utilized immediately rather than having to learn new code from scratch.

Why Should You Make Use of the Ionic Development Framework?

The ionic development framework was created specifically for developers who want to create hybrid and interactive mobile applications. For those who are already acquainted with web programming, the architecture of an Ionic app will be familiar to you. Using a single codebase, you can create high-quality mobile, desktop, and Responsive Web Apps using its comprehensive and extensive collection of components, gestures, transitions, and software development tools.

Aside from that, the ionic framework interacts seamlessly with other libraries like AngularJS and makes use of features such as Wireless, the Health Kit, and biometric authentication to make app development lightning-fast, simpler, and more enjoyable. Furthermore, it provides a straightforward Command Line Interface (CLI) for developing applications that provide exceptional display performance via the use of emulators, live reloading, and logging. Ionic also makes use of Cordova plugins, which allow applications to create various framework components, such as the cameras, GPS, and so on, in a very straightforward way.

  1. SlideBack

The activity, will offer a SlideBackView, which is a useful Android library that should be studied more thoroughly. But at the other hand, the fact that the library is only available in Chinese is a major disappointment. The library is made available under the MIT license.

  1. Picasso

The procedure of presenting pictures from other sources is made simpler by the use of Picasso. Picasso is capable of doing sophisticated picture modifications as well as automatically caching images to disc.

  1. Glide

Similar to Picasso, Glide can load and display pictures from a variety of sources while also managing to cache and minimise the memory footprint of image manipulations to a bare minimum while performing image transformations. Glide is also used by the official Google applications. In Android, Glide is an Image Loader Library that has the support of the search engine giant Google. Numerous Google open source projects, including the official application for Google I/O 2014, have made use of it in some capacity. It generates animated GIF support and manages image loading and caching, among other things.

  1. Moxy

If you’re developing an Android application, Moxy is a framework that makes it easier to utilize the model–view–presenter (MVP) paradigm by eliminating lifecycle and boilerplate code issues.

  1. ReactiveX

A mix of the finest concepts from the Monitor and Operator overloading patterns as well as user-defined functions, ReactiveX is a reactive programming framework.

  1. Room

Room is a framework that facilitates the storage of data in Android applications. A component of the newest Android Architecture Components, a set of libraries from Google that promotes a strong application architecture.

  1. Data Binding

In contrast to programmatic binding, the Data Binding Package is a support library that allows you to connect Ui Components in your program with the data sources that are being utilized.

These Android libraries in this list were selected for inclusion in this record based on widespread endorsements from Android programmers and developers. Their characteristics, functionalities, and power, when combined, radiate perfection in their respective fields of application.


The good news is that as mobile application development technologies and requirements evolve at a fast pace, so do the opportunities. From the viewpoint of the consumer to that of the business, everyone wants a fantastic and is out of the box experience, and in order to provide that, Android App developers must keep up with all of the new tools and methods that are introduced into the market.

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