Delivery business is a big
To speed up delivery times, especially in congested cities plagued with traffic jams, some logistics companies are creating micro-distribution centers in neighborhoods close to their final consumers, the so-called dark stores.
Experts explain that “e-commerce companies are not only concerned with reducing delivery times. They are also cutting costs. To make deliveries even more efficient, companies are turning to artificial intelligence to find the fastest routes around town, automated systems in which robots pick products from shelves, robot vehicles make deliveries, and AI constantly calculating how to do the process as quickly and cheaply as possible.”
Ecommerce as a lifestyle
Technology alone has not driven the growth of digital commerce. A drastic change in consumer needs and their willingness to shop online has been just as responsible, if not more so. Thus, when the pandemic hit the world in 2020, many saw the rapid digitization of trade as an acceleration of a trend that was already underway. Following urgent consumer demand, some products and services quickly embraced digital transformation. Grocery stores, education, and food are some examples of fast and seamless digitization.
E-Commerce is also a big thing on social platforms, especially on YouTube. It’s a video platform and people trust video reviews. Take a look at the businesses that promote everything on YouTube and they are very successful. Buy Instant YouTube views and always stay active in the comments to answer people about the product and services.
Now that the first wave of rapid digitization has passed, we see other interesting consumer trends that indicate that digital commerce is here to stay as a way of life. Thus, for example, the traditional opinion is that digitization does not work for categories in which human contact between the consumer and the product/service provider is essential. Gone, however, are the days when a physical interaction necessarily replaces a digital one, provided the right technologies are available.
For example, health care. New technologies are rapidly putting prescription drugs and doctor diagnosis at our fingertips, especially in countries where access to drugs and doctors has always been difficult. Another example is the purchase of automobiles. Today a person can see every part of the vehicle with virtual technology and even drive it to hear how it sounds. An AI chatbot can answer your questions.
Experts highlighted that “to stand out in this maelstrom of options, companies with a vision of the future seek to create a personal connection with their clients. They are using technology and data to create a meaningful relationship with the consumer, one that understands their preferences and anticipates their needs.
By establishing new lines of communication through social media, WhatsApp, live streaming and other channels, a brand can create an ongoing relationship with customers that goes far beyond the infrequent visit to a physical store. These permanent lines of communication build trust and accumulate data, which can be used to offer more products and services that the customer wants.”