How to Find and Compare Car Insurance for Your First Vehicle

There’s no need to be stressed about the cost and process of insuring a new vehicle or your first set of wheels. When using an insurance-finder platform such as mInsurance to find the right car insurance offer, you can save time and money when searching for the ideal auto insurance. Simply input your zip code and get almost instant results. 

Compare the Car Insurance Quotes to Pick the Right Car Insurance Offer

It’s not uncommon for vehicle owners to seek out the cheapest possible car insurance deals. Vehicle insurance is a cost nobody wants to pay, but it’s a necessity because you cannot legally drive in any state without demonstrating that you have auto insurance in place. 

The first step to getting car insurance quotes at no cost is to have a car inspection done. This is usually done prior to purchasing the vehicle to ascertain the state and value of the vehicle. And once you’ve settled the financial aspect of buying your first vehicle, you’ll need to consider insurance. While it’s not always possible to find cheap insurance, there are things you can do to cut back on the costs and help you save on your car insurance premium.

  •               Thoroughly compare car insurance quotes for free of the same type of cover, so you know you’re comparing “apples with apples” so to speak.
  •               Choose a cheaper car (cheap cars are cheaper to insure).
  •               Avoid installing expensive modifications (if your car is considered more attractive to thieves, your insurance cost may increase).
  •               Spend less time on the road (lower mileage bodes well for providing you’re a low-risk customer).
  •               Increase your excess (you’ll pay out more in the event of an accident, but your monthly premiums will be lower).
  •               Remove cover options you don’t want (breakdown cover, legal motor protection, windscreen cover, etc.).
  •               Park in a garage or behind locked gates (parking on the road/street increases risk).

While all of these tips can help you save on the cost of vehicle insurance, the most important tip is the first one: do thorough car insurance quote comparisons! When you compare auto insurance quotes online, you can cut back on costs, save time, and ensure you get the best possible cover.

How to Quickly Compare Free Auto Insurance Quotes Online

Buying your first vehicle comes with a certain amount of stress attached—it’s a pretty hefty investment, potentially one of the biggest investments of your life. So, while you want to cut back on your car insurance costs, you don’t want to compromise on the coverage you get. 

After a car inspection, knowing how to quickly and effectively compare free auto insurance quotes online, like using mInsurance, will ensure that you don’t miss out on any great vehicle insurance deals and don’t overlook important aspects of car insurance coverage.

Follow these quick steps to quickly process comparisons of auto insurance for free:

Step 1: Determine How Much Coverage You Need

Most states have mandated minimum liability requirements to drive legally. Unfortunately, in most cases, the minimum coverage options will not cover minor accidents. Therefore, determining if you’ll want or need higher insurance coverage packages is important. Comprehensive insurance coverage is the most popular because it provides the most cover and offers the best value for money. If you’re going to pay for insurance, you may as well make it worthwhile to cover.

Step 2: Visit mInsurance and Input Your Zip Code to Process Free Auto Insurance Comparisons

Visit the free car insurance comparison site and input your zip code. On hitting the “submit” button, the automated mInsurance system will quickly find and present insurance offers that are specific to your local area.

Step 3: When Comparing the Car Insurance Quotes: Check Cover Options and Discounts

You may be tempted to select the cheapest deal on offer without looking at the coverage provided when trying to find the right car insurance offer. Instead, take a few moments to compare what’s on offer. Factors that will affect the cost of the auto insurance on offer include the company, the state they operate in, your age, your credit score, your driving record (for instance, if you have a DUI), the vehicle’s value, mileage, any added extras on the vehicle, the type of cover you want (comprehensive, basic third-party, etc.), and how many vehicles you’re adding to the policy.

What to look for when trying to find the right car insurance offer:

  •       The monthly premium amount
  •       The expected excess to pay in the event of an accident or theft/fire
  •       Type of cover provided
  •       Any discounts on offer

It’s important to shop for identical coverage amounts so you know you’re comparing the same insurance coverage quote from multiple insurance companies. 

Step 4: Select the Car Insurance Cover & Finalize the Deal

Once you’ve chosen the right car insurance package, select it, and you’ll be directed to finalise the details directly with the insurance provider. This takes a matter of minutes.

What Should You Provide to Get Car Insurance Quotes?

Applying for car insurance is a very easy task and should only take a few minutes. Of course, auto insurance providers will want to ensure that they’re only providing services to individuals who can afford them and will inquire about you and your vehicle to determine if you’re a viable candidate for their insurance packages. 

To make the process as smooth as possible, it’s best to have the following readily available when applying for car insurance.

  •       Your driver’s licence (and the licence of anyone else you will include in the auto insurance policy).
  •       The VIN (vehicle identification number): if you haven’t yet bought the vehicle, ask the owner for the VIN for insurance purposes. If you have the vehicle, look on the driver’s side of the dashboard from the outside of the vehicle. If it’s not there, look inside the door jamb on the driver’s side. It’s printed on a sticker in one of those two locations.
  •       The vehicle’s mileage.
  •       How much coverage you want/need.
  •       Information on where the vehicle will be kept during the day and at night.

Auto insurance companies will also do further due diligence by researching your driving history (to see if you have DUIs, speeding tickets, or any traffic offences), your credit score to determine if you can afford the monthly premiums, and past insurance claims to see if you are a high-risk or low-risk client.


Finding and comparing car insurance quotes for your first vehicle will be an easy task when using the mInsurance free car insurance comparison site to gather quotations on your behalf. All you need to do is input your zip code, follow the prompts, and expect to receive car insurance quotes to compare within minutes. Finding and comparing quotes has never been easier!

About Oliver

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