What is Ethical Investing? And how to do it Properly

Gone are the days when investors would invest in companies based on material benefits alone.

Investing has evolved and has brought about an investing strategy where investors are guided by their moral code when investing. This investing is called ethical investing.

The sin industries like gambling, pornography, firearms, and alcohol companies are not considered ethical investing. However, to begin investing, you need first to understand what is ethical investing.

What is Ethical Investing?

Ethical investing is about aligning your values and beliefs with your portfolio. This means that you invest in companies whose values match yours. For instance, you may be interested in gender equality, human rights, and a safe environment. As a result, you can invest in women-led companies, companies that treat their employees fairly, or provide green energy. Choosing where to invest will be entirely governed by your beliefs and the extent to which they can be stretched.

How to Do Ethical Investing Properly

1. Research

Once you understand what is ethical investing, you can proceed to the next step, research. You research a company’s business practices and mission to see if they align with your values. Take your time to read online reviews from research firms to understand a company’s ESG score and what other people think of it. Also, you need to identify your values and their limits. For instance, would you consider an oil company with myriad corporate social responsibility programs ethical?

2. Decide your level of investment

When creating an ethical portfolio, you must decide your involvement level. Given the extensive nature of the required research, you may find it easy to leave the work to professionals. If you are hard-pressed on time or are new at ethical investing and dont know how to research adequately, you can choose robo-advisors to help you create your profile. Although building your portfolio on your own allows you total control, it is time-consuming and may require some market knowledge. However, using robo-advisors saves you time.

Robo-advisers use algorithms for choosing what goes into a portfolio and how to manage it based on your goals, ethical preferences, and risk tolerance. The downside to robo-advisors is that they dont allow you control of your portfolio. This means you cannot add a company to the portfolio no matter how much you want to invest in it. Investigating a robo-advisor’s methodology is advisable to ensure they use exclusionary and inclusionary filters that matter to you.

3. Choose the type of investment

Once you have a brokerage account and have identified your priorities, you need to choose the type of investments you want in your portfolio. The best portfolio should comprise mutual funds and individual stocks. Individual stock is ideal, especially once you find companies you expect to perform well over time. However, mutual funds are the best option if you want to diversify your portfolio. They allow you to invest in multiple companies, minimizing risks.


With a diverse and well-structured ethical portfolio, you can enjoy handsome rewards while being mindful of the environment and people. Once you learn what is ethical investing, you will discover that it puts people over profits and is the ideal vehicle for ethical investors.

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